Building S-7 Renovations, Blue Grass Army Depot

BLUE GRASS ARMY DEPOTBuilding S-7 Renovations K.Hayes Limited designed and renovated buildings S-7. Work included conversion of the approximately 670 square feet of open area in the front half of S-7 into four (4) individual offices and a storage room. K.Hayes Limited constructed three (3) offices in the rear-half of S-7 (approximately 350 square feet).…


Replace Bridges 3, 5 and 6

FORT KNOXReplace Bridges 3, 5 and 6 K.Hayes Limited furnished all labor, material, equipment, supplies and supervision required to repair Bridge No.3, Poormans Range Road over Mill Creek; Bridge No.5, Brumfield Road over Mill Creek; and Bridge No.6, Brumfield Range Road over Tributary to Mill Creek, at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
