New Contracts Acquired

K. Hayes Limited is an experience general contractor dedicated to quality construction and efficient management of resources.  With this dedication to quality, K. Hayes Limited has earned a reputation for being creative, technologically advanced and responsive to our clients.

Roof Repair, Fort Campbell KY

FORT CAMPBELL KYFort Campbell Roof Repair @ Building 3780 Ft. Campbell KY K. Hayes Limited supplied all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and superintendence necessary for the roof repair at Building 3780, in Fort Campbell, KY.


HVAC Repair, USDA Forest Service

USDA FOREST SERVICEHVAC Repair at the USDA Forest Service, London District Office London KY K. Hayes Limited supplied all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and superintendence necessary for the HVAC Repairs at the London District Office.


Clarifier Repair, Twin Knobs Camp Ground

TWIN KNOBS CAMP GROUNDTwin Knobs Clarifier Repair Morehead KY K. Hayes Limited supplied all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and superintendence necessary for the replacement of the existing gear and comminator at the Twin Knobs Camp Ground Waste Water Treatment Plant.
